Reduce and prevent pain

Looking for a reliable physiotherapist in Eindhoven?

At Sens beweeg je, our experienced physiotherapists are ready to help you recover from sports injuries, rehabilitate after hip and knee surgery, and treat joint, pelvic and headache complaints.

Our practice offers high-quality care without waiting times.

Our practice is located at several locations in Eindhoven:

  • Clematis Gestel Midden Health Center
  • Videolab StrijpS

We are here for you. We help you quickly and effectively. We collaborate with various specialists from hospitals. The most common specializations are exercise therapy, physiotherapy, child therapy, pelvic therapy, biofeedback therapy and burnout counseling.

We have a treatment team for children and adults at Sens moves you.

Why choose Physiotherapy Eindhoven at Sens moves you?

At Sens beweeg je we offer personal treatments that are tailored to your specific situation. Whether you live in the center of Eindhoven, Strijp, Woensel, Gestel, or Tongelre, our practice is easily accessible and offers long opening hours.
At Sens beweeg je we offer more than just treatment; we work with you on a sustainable solution for your complaints. Our practice is centrally located in Eindhoven and is easily accessible by both car and public transport. In addition, our flexible opening hours ensure that you can always schedule an appointment that fits your schedule.

Our specializations in Eindhoven

  • Sports injuries: Our specialists will help you recover from injuries and ensure you are back on the field or road quickly.

  • Hip and Knee Rehabilitation: Recover quickly and effectively after hip or knee surgery with the help of our experienced therapists in Eindhoven and Vessem

  • Joint complaints: From shoulder to ankle complaints, you have come to the right place in Eindhoven for targeted physiotherapy.

  • Pelvic complaints: Suffering from pelvic instability or pelvic pain? Our practice in Eindhoven offers effective therapies to relieve your complaints.

  • Headache complaints: Headaches can seriously disrupt your daily life. Our experts in Eindhoven will help you with treatments aimed at long-term relief.

No waiting list – Schedule your appointment today 

We understand how annoying it is to wait for treatment when you are in pain or want to rehabilitate. That is why we do not have a waiting list. Contact us today and make an appointment. Our practices in Eindhoven are easily accessible, and you can usually see one of our therapists the next day.

Our working method

  • Extensive interview about your complaints and wishes for recovery

  • Posture and movement research

  • Treatment plan and explanation

  • Personal guidance in raising awareness of healthy behavior

  • You will receive practice material and advice

By means of deep massages, mobilizing techniques and blood circulation techniques with a physiotherapist, we support the body in the recovery phase.

Fysiotherapie Eindhoven also offers relaxing massages in the recovery phase to bring rest to (too) tense muscles and to let you feel how the base-line tension can and should be. This way you learn to achieve this yourself in the course of the treatments.

Pelvic physiotherapy Eindhoven focuses on patients with problems in the entire area of the lower back, pelvis, abdomen and pelvic floor. Pelvic-related pregnancy complaints are a common indication for physiotherapy Eindhoven.

The pelvic physiotherapist provides information about the function of the pelvis, adjacent ligaments, muscles and nerve pathways. Your posture and movement behaviour is examined in relation to affected parts around the pelvis.

At Sens beweegt je, posture and movement advice are central, as well as stabilizing exercises. It is often about learning the right muscle tension and timing of your pelvis, back and abdominal muscles.

For pregnant women, we provide guidance during the pregnancy period and visit you at home after delivery for a mommy-fit program for the pelvis, lower back and abdomen.

Curious about your stress profile? Do you want to suffer less from stress? Do you want to do a stress measurement? Get to know Fysiotherapie Eindhoven .

Literally, biofeedback training means that you receive information back from biological processes in your body. At Sens beweging je we measure real-time and simultaneously signals such as heart rate, breathing, skin conductance temperature and muscle tension. We measure and train the signals at rest and during activities. In this way you learn, among other things, what you need to deal with stress. The biofeedback stress profile shows whether the body responds adequately to tension and whether you are able to relax. Through biofeedback training you learn to control your body better and you experience better mental and physical health.

Medical taping at Sens moves you Eindhoven supports tissue recovery.

The most common applications of medical taping in physiotherapy Eindhoven:

  • (After)treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system such as back, shoulder, knee and calf complaints
  • Treatments for problems caused by overuse such as RSI, tennis elbow or golfer's elbow)
  • Protection of joints (luxation, hypermobility)
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Hay fever taping
  • reduction of complaints due to oedema formation, congestion, bruising.
  • Correction of posture or change in position of a joint.
  • Combating tension headaches.

At Sens, specialists in elderly care work. They help prevent falls and overcome fear of falling. This allows the elderly to remain independent and active for longer. Physiothe

Physiotherapy Eindhoven, Sens moves you is affiliated with Valnet (link

By playing and moving, children discover their world and develop their senses and motor skills. Pediatric physiotherapists are specialists in the movement and sensory development of children.

For whom?

Pediatric physiotherapy is for children with movement problems. Complaints can be physical in nature, such as posture problems or motor skills, but can also entail limitations on a social level. Every child has its own personality and develops in its own way. That is the starting point at physiotherapy Eindhoven.

Common referrals for pediatric physical therapy include:

  • Postural problems
  • Motor development delay
  • Abnormal gait pattern
  • Difficulty moving
  • Breathing problems
  • Writing problems
  • Sensory problems

Is Pediatric Physiotherapy Necessary or Not?

Sometimes it is very clear, but that is not always the case. It is sometimes difficult for parents to determine which skills are expected at a certain age and to distinguish whether there is deviant behavior or whether your child is suffering from "something". That is why you can make a screening appointment if in doubt. Based on the screening, the pediatric physiotherapist will advise you whether treatment or any additional research is necessary. The costs of screening are also fully reimbursed by the insurer.


Physiotherapy Eindhoven works with consultation centers, GGD, schools and internal supervisors.


Pediatric physiotherapy is 100% reimbursed from the basic insurance (without personal contribution, without deductible). A referral from a GP or specialist is not necessary.

We provide research and progress reports for doctors/schools.

Physiotherapists at Sens beweegt je treat clients with problems falling asleep or staying asleep. When chronic pain complaints limit the duration or quality of sleep, sleep therapy is advisable.

Sleep therapy at physiotherapy Eindhoven is aimed at:

  • Sleep hygiene/sleeping positions and possible pain reduction
  • Sleep duration advice and training
  • Sleep restriction
  • Stimulus control
  • Biofeedback training for stress-related sleep problems.
  • Use of supporting materials such as light therapy lamps.

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