Reumatische aandoeningen

Reumatische aandoeningen komen veel voor, zeker bij 2 miljoen Nederlanders. Reuma omvat meer dan 100 chronische aandoeningen aan gewrichten, spieren en pezen die in ernst kunnen variëren van licht tot ernstig, zelfs invaliderend.

Drie catogorieën

De klachten worden doorgaans veroorzaakt door repeterende bewegingen, een langdurige statische houding of een combinatie van beiden. Ook kunnen persoons- en werkgebonden factoren een belangrijke rol spelen bij het ontstaan, verergeren of het in stand houden van RSI.
Door de oorzaak te analyseren en daar veranderingen in aan te brengen, kunnen wij je begeleiden in het oplossen van je klachten, onder andere door het gebruik van een spierspanningsmeter.

  • Ontstekingsreuma. Hieronder vallen aandoeningen waarbij ontstekingsreacties in het lichaam onder andere gewrichten beschadigen. Reumatoïde Artritis is de meest bekende vorm.

  • Artrose. Hierbij verslechtert het kraakbeen in de gewrichten.
  • Wekedelenreuma. Hieronder vallen aandoeningen aan onder andere spieren, banden, pezen en het kapsel om gewrichten. Fybromyalgie is hiervan een voorbeeld maar ook hypermobiliteit ( te laxe banden rondom gewrichten)

Our services

The Mensendieck-Cesar exercise therapist is a specialist in learning a correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints.

Using massage, manual techniques and training, the physiotherapist treats physical complaints that are the result of a wrong movement, a fall, an accident, an illness or old age.

Sens(e) pregnant consists of two programs, before and after delivery, to enjoy your pregnancy without complaints and to quickly regain your fitness after delivery.

Running therapy is the therapeutic use of a gentle endurance run under the guidance of a running therapist as an additional form of treatment for people with psychological or stress-related complaints.

If you really think about yourself, over time you will feel what you really want in your life. You will learn to use mindfulness to deal more consciously and better with stress, pain and unwanted habits.

Vital employees are the most important capital of a company. Sens in operation advises companies in the field of health management and trains employees in healthy working.

The Mensendieck-Cesar exercise therapist is a specialist in learning a correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints. The physiotherapist is an exercise specialist and can immediately reduce pain complaints. At Sens you work with sleep therapists, pelvic therapists, child therapists and occupational therapists.

Our method

  • Extensive interview about your complaints and wishes for recovery

  • Posture and movement research

  • Treatment plan and explanation

  • Personal guidance in raising awareness of healthy behavior

  • You will receive practice material and advice

  • Possibility for interim contact/e-health

  • Login option in your own file

What do clients say about us?

Thanks to the therapy, I can now deal with my stress much better!

Robin ter Avest

Sleep therapy makes me feel much more energetic and I enjoy life to the full again.

Jur Geerts

Thanks to my therapy with Lonneke, I have started to enjoy gym class again. I now also dare to participate in playing football on the square.

Evi Jongepier

My child has become much more confident and less tense when moving, which is nice to see. She has clearly enjoyed activities more.

Taco kisses

Instead of saying No, I now clearly say YES to what I can and want to do.

Illia Vaskovich

I never thought that running would make me fitter and happier!

Monique van Zonneveld

Would you like to know how we can help you move (better)?