Mindfulness Eindhoven
Mindfulness stands for being fully aware and present in the moment with your full attention. This leads to a deeper feeling of connection to other people, your job, your body and your mind. Mindfulness does not ask for you to be zen and happy all day long; you could always experience negative feelings and situations. If you can influence them, you can change them. If you cannot, you can learn to accept the negative situation or feeling and stop wasting valuable energy on it. This can be quite challenging because we often remember the negative things more, leading to us being overwhelmed by things we cannot change.
Mindfulness has proven to be an effective means against stress, excess weight, dark thoughts, worries and sleeplessness.
Sens beweegt je offers the following programmes:
The mindfulness training at Sens beweegt je consists of 8 meetings during which you learn to use mindfulness to handle stress, pain and undesirable habits in a better and more conscious way.
For pregnant people we offer a mindfulness training fit for pregnancy and the preparations for giving birth.
Our mindfully pregnant programme consists of four classes.
Sens beweegt offers workshops and training for companies to reduce stress levels and increase work enjoyment and vitality among staff. In case of stress or work related problems the mindful@work programme can be taken at the worksite.
General information
Mindfulness is a method used around the world consisting of a fixed lesson structure.
We offer individual and group classes.
During class we use tools such as a workbook, presentations and exercises.
Mindfulness helps:
Our method
What do our clients say about us?
Because of the therapy I can deal with my stress so much better now!
Because of the sleep therapy I feel a lot more energetic and I am fully enjoying life again.
Because of my therapy with Lonneke I’ve started liking PE again. Now I also dare to join the kids playing football on the playground.
My child has become more confident and less stressed during physical activity, which is great to see. She clearly enjoys these activities more.
Instead of saying no, I can now give a clear YES to all the things I can and want to do.
I never thought running would make me stronger and happier!