Tackle your sleep problems now
Sleep therapy is available in Strijp-S, Woensel, MCBoschdijk in Eindhoven and Vessem.
Sleep therapists specialise in the treatment of problems falling asleep and sleeping through the night. You can also rely on our sleep therapists for help phasing out sleep medicine you take. We employ a specialised children’s therapist at Sens for their sleeping problems. All sleep therapists have a background as a physiotherapist or a remedial therapist.
Sleeping problems
People with trouble sleeping often ask us these questions:

The results of sleeping problems
People who have trouble sleeping are less satisfied with their quality of life than others. They do not feel as healthy and happy as people who sleep well or an average amount. Research shows that decision making and school and work performance of people with sleeping problems decrease in quality, compared to those who sleep better.
Our method
Sleep therapy at Sens beweegt je can be fully reimbursed by your supplementary insurance.
We offer sleep therapy at our locations Airbornelaan, MCBoschdijk, Strijp-S in Eindhoven and in Vessem.