Problems caused by pregnancy

The most common problems experienced by pregnant people are pain around the pelvis and lower back and fatigue. At Sens beweegt je, we employ specialised therapists who are trained in the method Cecile Röst.

Ask for advice

The best thing is to quickly ask for advice once you start having problems. Being pregnant is a very special thing, your body is forming your baby and that is something you want to enjoy. Pain, discomfort and insecurity about what is coming can hinder that happy feeling.

Your daily life continues, despite all of the things happening in your body. Besides weight gain you can also expect your body to react differently to certain stimuli. You may feel less stable, your muscle tension may increase in your back or shoulders and you may clearly feel your pelvic ligaments. Hormonal changes that naturally occur during pregnancy will influence your mind and body. We can literally say all kinds of things in your body are in motion. We’ll give you personal advice to prevent further pains during pregnancy. You’ll be well-prepared to give birth and even after giving birth you’ll be able to profit from these tips and your own fitness.

We’ll teach you

  • How your body changes during pregnancy and what you can do to prevent pain
  • • The right posture during pregnancy (basic postures, standing, lifting, bending)
  • Treatment plan and explanation
  • • Good physical activity at home and/or your job
  • Retaining stability in your pelvis
  • Training your muscle strength during pregnancy
  • The right preparation for your delivery

our services

De oefentherapeut Mensendieck-Cesar is specialist in het aanleren van een correcte manier van bewegen om zo fysieke klachten te verminderen en te voorkomen.

Met behulp van massage, manuele technieken en training behandelt de fysiotherapeut lichamelijke klachten die het gevolg zijn van een verkeerde beweging, een val, een ongeluk, een ziekte of ouderdom.

Sens(e) zwanger bestaat uit twee programma’s, voor en na de bevalling, om klachtenvrij van je zwangerschap te genieten en je conditie na de bevalling weer snel op peil te hebben.

Running therapie is het therapeutisch inzetten van een rustige duurloop onder begeleiding van een running therapeut als aanvullende behandelvorm voor mensen met psychische- of stress gerelateerde klachten.

Als je écht stil staat bij jezelf zal je na verloop van tijd voelen wat je eigenlijk écht wilt in je leven. Je leert mindfulness te gebruiken om bewuster en beter om te gaan met stress, pijn en ongewenste gewoonten.

Vitale medewerkers vormen het belangrijkste kapitaal van een bedrijf. Sens in bedrijf adviseert bedrijven op het gebied van gezondheidsmanagement en traint medewerkers in gezond werken.

Our remedial therapist Mensendieck-Cesar specialises in teaching a correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints. Our physiotherapist is a specialist in the field of physical activity and able to immediately reduce your pain. Our staff also consists of sleep therapists, pelvic therapists, children’s therapists and occupational therapists.

Our method

  • Detailed interview about your complaints and your wishes for your recovery

  • Posture and movement examination

  • Treatment plan and explanation

  • Personal guidance in awareness of healthy living

  • We send you advice and exercise material

  • Possibility for contact in between sessions/ e-health

  • Possibility to log into your own file

What do our clients say about us?

Because of the therapy I can deal with my stress so much better now!

Robin ter Avest

Because of the sleep therapy I feel a lot more energetic and I am fully enjoying life again.

Jur Geerts

Because of my therapy with Lonneke I’ve started liking PE again. Now I also dare to join the kids playing football on the playground.

Evi Jongepier

My child has become more confident and less stressed during physical activity, which is great to see. She clearly enjoys these activities more.

Taco Kisjes

Instead of saying no, I can now give a clear YES to all the things I can and want to do.

Illia Vaskovich

I never thought running would make me stronger and happier!

Monique van Zonneveld

Would you like to know how we can help you to move better?