Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the insulation covers of nerve cells in the nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) are damaged by infections. Because of this, the central nervous system is no longer able to properly process certain signals. Patients experience various deficiency symptoms which vary in strength from blindness, extreme fatigue and memory problems.
Treatment of MS
MS is an incurable disease but medication can be used to slow down or stabilise the disease evolution. Good healthcare and support are vital to ensure the right management of the illness in someone’s daily life. MS is an invasive condition, not only for the patient but also for their surroundings. Besides physical complaints, the diagnosis of MS entails many uncertainties, because the disease evolution is unpredictable.
It is very important to engage the right specialized (multidisciplinary) guidance to deal with this illness.
Two therapists at Sens beweegt je are associated with MS Mszorg Netherlands(MS care the Netherlands).
our services
The Mensendieck-Cesar exercise therapist is a specialist in teaching the correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints.
Sens(e) zwanger consists of two programs, before and after childbirth, to enjoy your pregnancy without complaints and to quickly get your fitness back on track after childbirth.
Our remedial therapist Mensendieck-Cesar specializes in teaching a correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints. Our physiotherapist is a specialist in the field of physical activity and able to immediately reduce your pain. Our staff also consists of sleep therapists, pelvic therapists, children's therapists and occupational therapists.
Our method
What do our clients say about us?
Because of the therapy I can deal with my stress so much better now!
Because of the sleep therapy I feel a lot more energetic and I am fully enjoying life again.
Because of my therapy with Lonneke I've started liking PE again. Now I also dare to join the kids playing football on the playground.
My child has become more confident and less stressed during physical activity, which is great to see. She clearly enjoys these activities more.
Instead of saying no, I can now give a clear YES to all the things I can and want to do.
I never thought running would make me stronger and happier!