Welcome to Sen's movement

At Sens moves you can go for exercise therapy, physiotherapy, sleep therapy, child therapy, pelvic therapy, breathing therapy, running therapy, healthy working, mindfulness and personal guidance for stress and burnout. Sens moves you helps you improve your health and vitality. We teach you what you can do yourself to reduce pain and discomfort. Our advice, measurements and treatments support your recovery.

Sens moves you treats many complaints and disorders of the posture and musculoskeletal system. We also support people in preventing complaints, all of which we do at our three locations in Eindhoven and the surrounding area.

Prevention is better than cure

Walking, sitting, bending, lifting, we move all day long and usually unconsciously. Everyone has their own posture and ways of moving. Some habits are unfavorable for the body, which can cause complaints in the back, neck or shoulder, for example. People can also develop problems with their musculoskeletal system due to certain abnormalities in their posture and musculoskeletal system, certain diseases or stress.

The aim of Sens moves you is to make the complaints disappear, reduce and/or prevent them, based on your own movement options. The situation in which someone finds themselves, their psychological capacity and, above all, their wishes for change are also taken into account.
We offer help with back and neck complaints, pain in the joints (pelvis, knee-ankle-foot, arm-shoulder-wrist), complaints with chronic disorders of the posture and musculoskeletal system, sleep problems, motor and developmental problems in children and babies , pelvic problems in pregnant women, postural abnormalities in sitting and standing positions, headaches, pelvic problems.

We also provide support for psychosomatic problems and complaints related to stress, anxiety or panic, hyperventilation, stress and burnout.

We have a special offer for pregnant women: Sens pregnant and mama fit to stay fit and free of complaints during and after pregnancy.

We are often asked about massages to ensure that you work with qualified massage therapists. You can come to us to be massaged, but also to learn how to massage your partner, child, friend or acquaintance.

The Mensendieck-Cesar exercise therapist is a specialist in learning a correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints. The physiotherapist is an exercise specialist and can immediately reduce pain complaints. At Sens you work with sleep therapists, pelvic therapists, child therapists and occupational therapists.

Our method

  • Extensive interview about your complaints and wishes for recovery

  • Posture and movement research

  • Treatment plan and explanation

  • Personal guidance in raising awareness of healthy behavior

  • You will receive practice material and advice

  • Possibility for interim contact/e-health

  • Login option in your own file

What do clients say about us?

Thanks to the therapy, I can now deal with my stress much better!

Robin ter Avest

Sleep therapy makes me feel much more energetic and I enjoy life to the full again.

Jur Geerts

Thanks to my therapy with Lonneke, I have started to enjoy gym class again. I now also dare to participate in playing football on the square.

Evi Jongepier

My child has become much more confident and less tense when moving, which is nice to see. She has clearly enjoyed activities more.

Taco kisses

Instead of saying No, I now clearly say YES to what I can and want to do.

Illia Vaskovich

I never thought that running would make me fitter and happier!

Monique van Zonneveld

Our team

Daphne de Lepper
Daphne de Lepper


  • Exercise therapy Mensendieck/Cesar

  • Chronic pain

  • Sleep therapy

  • Covid-19 rehabilitation

  • Motor problems in the elderly

  • Otago oefenprogramma

Lonneke Rooijakkers
Lonneke Rooijakkers


  • Exercise therapy Mensendieck/Cesar

  • Children's exercise therapy

  • Sleep therapy

  • Stress in children
  • Parkinson's

  • Pelvic complaints surrounding pregnancy

  • Preferred position of babies

Charon Ermstrang
Charon Ermstrang


  • Physiotherapy

  • Kinesiotaping

  • Kinderfysiotherapie

  • Sleep therapy

Kine Berg
Kine Berg


  • Physiotherapy

  • Breathing therapy

  • Relaxation therapy

  • Mindfulness

  • Yoga

Kitty Heesters
Kitty Shrubs


  • Exercise therapy Mensendieck/Cesar

  • Pelvic therapy

  • Guidance regarding pregnancy and childbirth

  • Arthrosis

  • Dizziness complaints

  • Sleep therapy

  • Abdominal wall rehabilitation (diastasis, incisional hernia and stoma)

Rob Bakermans
Rob Bakermans


  • Physiotherapy

  • Back, neck and shoulder complaints

  • Lifestyle coaching

  • Lifestyle and nutrition analysis

  • Condition building

  • Sleep therapy

  • Work-related complaints

Adeo Admiraal
Adeo Admiraal


  • Sleep therapy

Mirjam van de Moosdijk
Mirjam van de Moosdijk


  • Exercise therapy Mensendieck/Cesar

  • Pelvic exercise therapy

  • Pregnancy, pelvic complaints and pelvic floor

  • Abdominal wall rehabilitation (diastasis, incisional hernia and stoma)

  • Schroth therapy (best practice for scoliosis)

  • Bugnet therapy (hypermobility, EDS)

  • Sleep therapy

  • Trainer Me + vitality program

  • Physiotherapy np

  • Breathing therapy

  • Headache

Petra Wevers
Petra Wevers


  • Team support

  • Bookkeeping

  • Administration

  • IT

Latest news

*Nieuwe Vestiging*

Vanaf juni zijn wij ook gevestigd in gezondheidscentrum Clematis Gestel/Midden.

We hebben veel zin in de samenwerking met iedereen in het centrum om zo de zorg voor de mensen in de wijk te verbeteren!

Zien we jou in Gestel?
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Met veel enthousiasme wordt de praktijk Sens beweegt je vanaf 1 mei voortgezet door onze therapeuten Daphne en Lonneke 🍾
... more...fewer..
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Word jij onze nieuwe praktijkassistente? Voor meer informatie en de vacature klik op nl.indeed.com/jobs?q=sens+beweegt+je&l=eindhoven&from=searchOnHP&vjk=ceb554a9fdf8a3ac ... more...fewer..
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Our locations

Location Woensel
Airbornelaan 140
GHC Airborne
5632 JG Eindhoven
Tel: 040 256 78 46
Mob: 06 41 85 98 97

Location Strijp-S
Torenallee 45 (The Glass Building)
intercom 108, 7th floor, waiting area on the left
5617 BA Eindhoven
Tel: 040 256 78 46
Mob: 06 41 85 98 97

Location Vessem
Heike 16
5512 NJ Vessem
Tel: 040 256 78 46
Mob: 06 41 85 98 97

Location Boschdijk
Douglas wood 32G
5621 DE Eindhoven
Tel: 040 256 78 46
Mob: 06 41 85 98 97

Locatie Gestel
Peter van Anrooylaan 5
5654 MA Eindhoven
Tel: 040 256 78 46
Mob: 06 41 85 98 97

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