What can I expect from a stress measurement?

  • Extensive intake and first measurement biofeedback equipment.

  • Real-time, simultaneous measurement of stress indicators: breathing, heart rate, skin conductance, skin temperature and muscle tension.

  • Analysis of the statistical values, clear explanation and reporting.

  • Advice for recovery based on the initial data from the intake and stress measurement.

  • After 4, 8 and 12 weeks a re-measurement with additional advice.

Measuring is knowing

To measure stress we use biofeedback measuring equipment. Biofeedback is a method in which different body signals are measured simultaneously: breathing, heart rate, muscle tension, hand temperature and hand moisture.

For whom?

Biofeedback has proven added value for stress-related complaints, burnout, (head)ache, high blood pressure and stress-related sleep problems.

At Sens we work according to the CSR method (Chronic Stress Reversal method). In the video above more explanation about stress and burnout.

What do clients say about us?

The stress measurement was the beginning of a big change.

Rose Verbraak

I relearned how to breathe to control stress.

Ruben Kool

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