Location Woensel
Airbornelaan 140
GHC Airborne
5632 JG Eindhoven
T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl
From the direction of Tilburg, Nijmegen
You drive onto Kennedylaan and into Eindhoven. Under the first viaduct, turn right. This is the exit Airbornelaan/Bisschop Bekkerslaan. On the viaduct, turn left. You will now see the Airborne Health Centre on your left. You will find us on the first floor.
From Eindhoven city centre
You drive up the Kennedylaan until the exit Airbornelaan/Bisschop Bekkerslaan. You take this exit and go right at the top. You will now see Gezondheidscentrum Airborne on the left. You will find us on the first floor.
You can park for free at the Airborne Health Center.
Location Strijp-S
Torenallee 20 (Videolab)
2nd floor, waiting area at the coffee corner
5617 BC Eindhoven
T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl
The visiting address is Torenallee 20. Strijp-S can be reached via Beukenlaan, Kastanjelaan and Glaslaan. Are you coming by public transport or by bike? You can get off the bus almost in front of the door
There are several parking spaces with barriers on the site itself where you can park for €1.20 per hour, for a 1-hour treatment the rate is €2.40.
Location Boschdijk
Boschdijk Medical Center
Douglas fir 32G
5621 DE Eindhoven
T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl
Sens beweegt je is located in the Medisch Centrum Boschdijk, Douglashout 32. Where the sleep treatment center is also located. You reach us via the Pieter Zeemanstraat. Douglashout is a side street of this. If you drive into the Pieter Zeemanstraat from the Boschdijk side, it is the first exit on the right (Douglashout). If you drive into the Pieter Zeemanstraat via Vredeoord or Groenewoudseweg, you have to drive until the last exit on the left (Douglashout). Here you will find the Medisch Centrum Boschdijk, located between 2 residential towers.
Take the entrance at the pharmacy and follow the signs 'Sens moves you'. You can take a seat in the shared waiting room, you do not have to report. The therapist will come and get you at the agreed time.
You can park for free at Boschdijk Medical Center.
Location Vessem
Heike 16
5512 NJ Vessem
T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl