Location Woensel

Airbornelaan 140
GHC Airborne
5632 JG Eindhoven

T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl


From direction Tilburg, Nijmegen

You drive onto Kennedylaan and enter Eindhoven. Turn right under the first viaduct. This is the Airbornelaan/Bisschop Bekkerslaan exit. Turn left at the viaduct. You will now see the Airborne Health Center on the left. You will find us on the first floor.

From the center of Eindhoven

You drive onto Kennedylaan until the Airbornelaan/Bisschop Bekkerslaan exit. You take this exit and turn right at the top. You will now see the Airborne Health Center on the left. You will find us on the first floor.


You can park for free at the Airborne Health Center.

Location Strijp-S

Torenallee 45 (The Glass Building)
intercom 108, 7th floor, waiting area on the left
5617 BA Eindhoven

T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl


From the center of Eindhoven

The Glasgebouw is located opposite the Bosch building and can be reached via the entrance from Mathildelaan/Glaslaan (PSV stadium). You will see the video lab on the left, where you turn left around the corner. The building is then located on the road over which the metal bridge runs. It is located on the square overlooking the Apparatenfabriek (cafe Allee and the discovery factory) and Bosch. At the entrance, dial intercom 108, the practice is located on the seventh floor. You can take a seat in the waiting room

The entrance from the Ring Road

The entrance from the ring: after the exit, drive straight ahead to the 'old red chimney' and turn right. The glass building is located on this road, past the intersection. The entrance is located on the lawn.

If you take some time the first time, it will save you stress and you can enjoy this special part of Eindhoven


Op het terrein zelf zijn meerdere parkeerplaatsen met slagboom waar je kunt parkeren voor € 1,20 per uur, voor een behandeling van 1 uur is het tarief € 2,40.

Location Boschdijk

Medical Center Boschdijk
Douglas wood 32G
5621 DE Eindhoven

T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl


Sens moves you is located in the Boschdijk Medical Center, Douglashout 32, where the sleep treatment center is also located. You come to us via Pieter Zeemanstraat. Douglashout is a side street of this. If you enter Pieter Zeeman Street from the Boschdijk side, it is the first exit on the right (Douglashout). If you enter Pieter Zeemanstraat via Vredeoord or Groenewoudseweg, you must continue until the last exit on the left (Douglashout). Here you will find the Boschdijk Medical Center, located between 2 residential towers.

Take the entrance at the pharmacy and follow the signs 'Sens moves you'. You can take a seat in the shared waiting area, you do not have to report. The therapist will come to pick you up at the agreed time.


You can park for free at Medisch Centrum Boschdijk.

Location Vessem

Heike 16
5512 NJ Vessem

T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl


Locatie Gestel

Peter van Anrooylaan 5
5654 MA Eindhoven

T: 040 256 78 46 / 06 41 85 98 97
E: info@sensbeweegtje.nl
