Addressing the cause of the complaints
The Mensendieck-Cesar exercise therapist is a specialist in teaching healthy exercise behavior. It is a paramedical treatment method aimed at reducing and preventing physical complaints. When dealing with your complaints, we always look at your total posture and your exercise behavior.
Effort and relaxation
We take stock of the possibilities in the field of effort and relaxation. In this way we map out your physical and psychological situation. Based on a personal treatment plan, you will work together with the therapist of Sens moves you get started. We guide you in becoming more aware of your possibilities to influence your own health and well-being. Sens moves you uses treatment techniques that promote recovery and support the learning process towards a different posture and good movements. By improving your body feeling and becoming aware of a good posture and movement habits, the body will be loaded as optimally as possible and complaints will be reduced or even disappear. In this way we can reduce pain and tackle the cause of the complaint structurally.
Functioning well during daily activities
Exercise therapy is in line with the changing vision on movement, posture and performance. Gradually, more is being learned about how the body performs and which factors are responsible for this. Priorities such as strength and condition sometimes appear to be of secondary importance. In order to move well, coordination, mental state, optimal posture, distribution of forces, relaxation and rest are important. Read more about Exercise therapy Mensendieck-Cesar on vvocm.

Our working method
Exercise therapy
Stress is a normal emotion
Stress makes you alert, keeps you sharp, increases your performance and can give you a wonderful feeling. If stress lasts too long, tension patterns can develop that cause you to experience pain and become restless, agitated, forgetful, depressed or anxious. You can change this by becoming aware of what gives you stress and by feeling what kind of reactions this gives in your body. We use stress measurements for this and provide relaxation and breathing training to prevent stress complaints.
What moves you?
Many people unconsciously use the wrong muscles and joints, resulting in pain and functional limitations. For example, they use their neck and shoulder muscles too much instead of their arm and back muscles. As a result, pain, stiffness and discomfort arise. Walking, bending, lifting and all kinds of work activities sometimes do not happen properly. We examine how you use your body and with a muscle tension meter we can measure whether you are using the right muscles. We then teach you to use the right muscles by giving advice and biofeedback training.
Helping hands
Despite exercises and advice to change your posture and movement patterns and your exercise and relaxation habits, your complaints may not go away completely. Sometimes vertebrae or joints are blocked. Sens moves youTherapists can also use manual techniques to help with this. They use mobilization techniques, massages and/or craniosacral and visceral techniques to speed up your recovery.
Measuring is knowing
Nothing is as difficult as influencing behavior. Look at a posture that you have always adopted or movements that you always make in a certain way. How can you learn to feel that, if you perform them differently, you have less muscle tension? We work with a muscle tension meter that makes it clear whether you are already using the right muscles or whether you need advice and training to use them differently. In addition, we make Sens moves you use of the Emwave heart coherence meter. Research has shown that the pattern of your heart rhythm reflects the state of your emotions and the functioning of your nervous system. This way we can determine how high your stress level is and offer you good advice and exercises depending on that.
Once every seven minutes
In the Netherlands, an elderly person falls once every seven minutes. The use of a walking aid, the degree of fear of falling and whether someone has fallen more than once in the past year are particularly influential in the risk of falling. Sens moves you we train elderly people to reduce the risk of falling. In collaboration with physiotherapists we offer fall risk screening and fall prevention training. We also train independence with elderly people by practicing daily activities in and around the house such as turning in bed, getting up independently from a chair, cleaning, cycling. We also work on maintaining fitness and increasing muscle strength. In addition, there is attention for loneliness and lack of exercise which brings with it many complaints and discomfort. Sens moves you is affiliated with Valnet.
Optimal care for people with Parkinson's
Bee Sens moves you are two therapists affiliated with Parkinsonnet. This is a national network of healthcare providers who are specialized in the treatment and guidance of Parkinson's patients. Healthcare providers affiliated with this network include neurologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and nurses. They are specially trained in treating Parkinson's patients and patients with atypical parkinsonisms. The diagnosis of the brain disease Parkinson's often brings with it many uncertainties and the course of the disease is different for everyone. We look at the wishes to learn to deal better with stiffness and the loss of easy movement, for example. It appears that moderately intensive exercise two to three times a week has a positive effect on the brain. Sens moves you guides people to do this themselves.
Expert attention to your child's movement
Movement is very important for a child's development, this is also a favorite activity of children. During primary school, they learn many new skills such as cycling, swimming and writing. For most children, learning these comes naturally. Sometimes children find it difficult to perform certain activities well, no matter how hard they try. In that case, the pediatric exercise therapist or a pediatric physiotherapist can offer help.