Running therapy and the Yes feeling

Prevent anxiety or stress
Running therapy is the therapeutic use of a very calm endurance run under the guidance of a running therapist as a supplementary treatment for people with psychological complaints. In particular, complaints of depression, insomnia and stress-related complaints such as anxiety, tension and burn-out can be reduced by running therapy. Often a Yes-feeling arises because running makes you more familiar with your own possibilities for recovery.

Live happier and healthier
Running therapy is also available for people who do not (yet) have any complaints but who have set themselves the goal of achieving a better balance between work (effort, sport, work) and rest (recovery, relaxation).

Running can be applied anywhere and you can plan your own time. It keeps you fit and vital and can be applied at any level. The Yes-feeling with running is created by the release of happy substances (hormones such as endorphins).

Sens beweegt je offers a program specifically aimed at you. We take into account your physical capabilities and your own goals. People with psychological difficulties often have too little exercise or tend to train excessively with the risk of injuries. After an extensive intake, you usually start with a fitness measurement and measuring your stress level. Running therapy is not about performance but about clearing your head, about reducing your stress hormones so that you relax better or about becoming more active yourself.

Urban running on Strijp-S

Fancy just running in a group? In the morning or at the end of your (work)day?

We are starting a running group in and around Strijp-S. Sign up and for a small fee you can run with us whenever it suits you.

Our working method

  • Extensive interview about your complaints and wishes for recovery

  • Posture and movement research

  • Treatment plan and explanation

  • Personal guidance in raising awareness of healthy behavior

  • You will receive practice material and advice

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