
Parkinson's disease is a brain disease. People who suffer from it may suffer from various symptoms, making the disease very complex. No one patient has the same symptoms as another.

Common symptoms

  • Tremor of the hands, legs, chin or tongue
  • Movements slowing down (bradykinesia), difficulty with starting movements (akinesia) and the interruption of automatic movements (hypokinesia)
  • Stiffness of muscles (rigidity)
  • Posture and balance problems, sometimes falling if the disease progresses
  • “freezing” of the legs during walking, making the feet seem stuck to the floor.

Besides the above symptoms, it is possible for a wide range of other symptoms to occur, like thinking slowly, reduced sense of smell, sleeping disorders, constipation, mood problems and the change of sexual desires By no means do all of these symptoms occur in every patient. In addition, the severity of the complaints and the course of the illness differs from patient to patient. This is especially true for patients with conditions that are like Parkinson's disease, the so-called atypical Parkinsonisms.

Two of our therapists are members of the network Parkinsonnet.

our services

The Mensendieck-Cesar exercise therapist is a specialist in teaching the correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints.

Using massage, manual techniques and training, the physiotherapist treats physical complaints that are the result of an incorrect movement, a fall, an accident, an illness or old age.

Sens(e) zwanger consists of two programs, before and after childbirth, to enjoy your pregnancy without complaints and to quickly get your fitness back on track after childbirth.

Running therapy is the therapeutic use of a quiet endurance run under the guidance of a running therapist as a supplementary treatment for people with psychological or stress-related complaints.

If you really stand still with yourself, you will eventually feel what you really want in your life. You will learn to use mindfulness to deal more consciously and better with stress, pain and unwanted habits.

Vital employees are a company's most important asset. Sens in operation advises companies in the field of health management and trains employees in healthy working.

Our remedial therapist Mensendieck-Cesar specializes in teaching a correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints. Our physiotherapist is a specialist in the field of physical activity and able to immediately reduce your pain. Our staff also consists of sleep therapists, pelvic therapists, children's therapists and occupational therapists.

Our method

  • Detailed interview about your complaints and your wishes for your recovery

  • Posture and movement examination

  • Treatment plan and explanation

  • Personal guidance in awareness of healthy living

  • We send you advice and exercise material

  • Possibility for contact in between sessions/e-health

  • Possibility to log into your own file

What do our clients say about us?

Because of the therapy I can deal with my stress so much better now!

Robin ter Avest

Because of the sleep therapy I feel a lot more energetic and I am fully enjoying life again.

Jur Geerts

Because of my therapy with Lonneke I've started liking PE again. Now I also dare to join the kids playing football on the playground. Now I also dare to join the kids playing football on the playground.

Evi Jongepier

My child has become more confident and less stressed during physical activity, which is great to see. She clearly enjoys these activities more.

Taco Boxes

Instead of saying no, I can now give a clear YES to all the things I can and want to do.

Ilia Vaskovich

I never thought running would make me stronger and happier!

Monique van Zonneveld

Would you like to know how we can help you to move better?