Rheumatic disorders
Rheumatic disorders are common; at least 2 million Dutch people suffer from some kind of rheumatism. Rheumatism includes over 100 chronic disorders of the joints, muscles, and tendons, ranging in severity from light to severe, even disabling.
Three types
Rheumatism symptoms are often caused by repeated motions, prolonged static posture or a combination of the two. Personal and occupational factors may play an important role in the formation, progression or preservation of RSI.
By analyzing the cause and changing the situation, we can guide you in relieving your pain. To do this, we use a muscle tension meter and other types of equipment.
our services
The Mensendieck-Cesar exercise therapist is a specialist in teaching the correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints.
Sens(e) zwanger consists of two programs, before and after childbirth, to enjoy your pregnancy without complaints and to quickly get your fitness back on track after childbirth.
Our remedial therapist Mensendieck-Cesar specializes in teaching a correct way of moving in order to reduce and prevent physical complaints. Our physiotherapist is a specialist in the field of physical activity and able to immediately reduce your pain. Our staff also consists of sleep therapists, pelvic therapists, children's therapists and occupational therapists.
Our method
What do our clients say about us?
Because of the therapy I can deal with my stress so much better now!
Because of the sleep therapy I feel a lot more energetic and I am fully enjoying life again.
Because of my therapy with Lonneke I've started liking PE again. Now I also dare to join the kids playing football on the playground.
My child has become more confident and less stressed during physical activity, which is great to see. She clearly enjoys these activities more.
Instead of saying no, I can now give a clear YES to all the things I can and want to do.
I never thought running would make me stronger and happier!