Decreasing and preventing pain

Sens beweegt je has three locations in Eindhoven. Sens beweegt je, referred to as physiotherapy Eindhoven from this point, is located in the health centre Airborne, health centre Boschdijk and in the Glasgebouw on StrijpS.

Choose quality with a personal “touch”

Physiotherapy Eindhoven is focused on providing treatments to help people move better and without pain. We treat a lot of people with back, knee, hip and/or shoulder problems. Another large group of clients cites complaints that result from disc problems; something is wrong with their intervertebral disc or their spinal column. Clients often experience this as back or neck pain that may radiate to their arms or legs. People with complaints related to overload such as headaches, trouble breathing and stress-related complaints are often referred to physiotherapy Eindhoven.

Because we treat persons in their entirety and not just their one complaint or injury, a free health-check is available for physiotherapy Eindhoven's clients.

Measurements, the recovery and building stages

Our procedure differs slightly from other providers. Here at physiotherapy Eindhoven we start by taking measurements and charting your specific problems in detail. We might come to take a look at your workplace or the way you exercise (outside). We measure and observe which movements are difficult for you. As our name Sens moves you suggests, we consider your mental health and the link between feeling well and recovering properly to move better to be just as important as your physical health and training.

Our method

  • Detailed interview about your complaints and your wishes for your recovery

  • Posture and movement examination

  • Treatment plan and explanation

  • Personal guidance in awareness of healthy living

  • We send you advice and exercise material

  • Possibility for contact in between sessions/e-health

  • Possibility to log into your own file

Personal attention, ongoing support

At physiotherapy Eindhoven it's all about your total health and fitness.
As a client, you can keep in touch with us after finishing your treatment process to continue working on your goals to live a healthy life. Via multimedia and e-health we'll support your journey free of charge.

We support the body while it's going through the recovery phase through deep tissue massages, mobilizing techniques and blood circulation techniques performed by a physiotherapist.

Physiotherapy Eindhoven also offers relaxing massages in the recovery phase to bring relaxation to (overly) tense muscles and to let people feel what base-line muscle tension can and should be. This helps you learn how to achieve this yourself over the course of the treatments.

Pelvic physiotherapy Eindhoven focuses on patients with problems in the entire area of the lower back, pelvis, stomach and pelvic floor. Pelvic-related complaints during pregnancy are frequently a reason people come to physiotherapy Eindhoven

Curious about your stress profile? Do you decrease the amount of stress you experience? Do you want to take a stress measurement? Meet Physiotherapy Eindhoven.

Biofeedback training literally means you get information (feedback) back from the biological processes in your body. At Sens we measure signals like your heart rate, breathing pattern, skin conduction temperature and muscle tensions real-time and simultaneously. We measure and train the signals at rest and during activities. This way you learn, among other things, what you need to do to tackle stress. The biofeedback stress profile shows whether the body responds adequately to tension and whether you are able to relax. Biofeedback training teaches you to better manage your body and experience a better physical and mental health.

Do you suffer from work-related complaints such as stress, muscle strain, RSI? Then a company physiotherapist from physiotherapy Eindhoven will gladly help you further.

The company physiotherapist does a problem analysis and a treatment plan is drawn up based on your story and complaints. Sens moves you supports you in the process of returning to work (reintegration) and can, if desired, advise the company.

Physiotherapy Eindhoven visits various company locations and provides employees and companies with both cure and care programs, like Sleep Better, Mindful@work, Stress@work and Coaching@work.

The company physiotherapist is trained to provide occupational healthcare at a company level after thorough research.

Medical taping at Sens moves you Eindhoven supports tissue recovery.

These are the most common applications of medical taping at physiotherapy Eindhoven:

Sens employs elderly care specialists. They help prevent falls and overcoming fear of falling. This allows the elderly to remain independent and active for longer.

Physiotherapy Eindhoven, Sens moves you is associated with Valnet (link

By playing and moving around, children discover their world and develop their senses and motor skills. Pediatric physiotherapists are specialists in the movement and sensory development of children. (more info button)

For whom?
Pediatric physiotherapy serves children who experience movement problems. Complaints may be of physical nature (such as bad posture or underdeveloped motor skills) but can also entail social restrictions. Every child has a unique personality and develops in their own way. That is our starting point at physiotherapy Eindhoven.

Common referrals for pediatric physiotherapy:

  • Posture problems
  • Motor developmental delay
  • Abnormal gait pattern
  • Difficulty moving
  • Breathing problems
  • Problems with writing motor skills
  • Sensory problems

Is pediatric physiotherapy necessary or not?
Sometimes it is very clear that a child needs physiotherapy, but that isn't always the case. It may be difficult for parents to see which skills are expected at a certain age and to distinguish whether their child displays abnormal behavior that must be treated or not.

Physiotherapy Eindhoven is associated with child healthcare clinics, the GGD (municipal health services), schools and internal supervisors.

Pediatric physiotherapy is 100% reimbursable from Dutch basic health insurance (no personal contribution or deductible necessary). You do not need a referral from your GP or specialist.

We provide examination and progress reports for doctors/schools.

Sleep therapy?

Physiotherapists at Sens moves you treats clients who experience trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night. As soon as chronic pain complaints start limiting the quantity or quality of sleep, sleep therapy is advisable.

Sleep therapy at physiotherapy Eindhoven targets:

  • Sleep hygiene/sleep positions and, if applicable, pain reduction
  • Advice and training on sleep duration
  • Sleep restriction
  • Stimulus check
  • Biofeedback training for stress-related sleeping problems.
  • Use of supporting materials such as light therapy lamps.

Would you like to know how we can help you to move better?