Biofeedback measurement Sens moves you Eindhoven
For a biofeedback measurement, you can go to various locations of Sens beweegt je in Eindhoven for a biofeedback measurement. Biofeedback has proven added value for stress-related complaints, burn-out, (head)ache, high blood pressure and stress. Measuring the biofeedback can be done at all locations in Eindhoven, locations Woensel, Strijp-S and Boschdijk. The biofeedback measurement is reimbursed from the supplementary insurance. Make an appointment quickly at one of our locations in Eindhoven.
How does a biofeedback measurement work?
To measure stress, we use biofeedback measuring equipment. Biofeedback is a method in which various body signals are measured simultaneously: breathing, heart rate, muscle tension, hand temperature and hand moisture. The measured values are visible in graphs and are displayed on a screen. This way, you receive direct feedback from your body signals. The measured values are compared by your biofeedback therapist with normal values, which reveals whether there is physiological stress/tension. Furthermore, it is checked whether there is sufficiently fast recovery after a stress reaction. Something that is lacking with chronic stress. You can also see what helps you to relax more deeply. In addition, attention is paid to maintaining the energy balance, alternating effort with relaxation, healthy lifestyle, time management, meaning and avoiding personal pitfalls. The measuring equipment is used in various ways during your recovery training.
More information about stress and burnout
In times of tension and stress, the body will prepare itself to take action. This process is controlled by your primal brain. In animals, you see that they have to fight or flee quickly when threatened. In order to do this, the heart rate increases, muscles tense, alertness increases and extra energy is released. This also happens in people, but usually it is not a physical threat. We have to deal with psychological “threats”, such as situations in which we lose control, a high workload or a lot of worries. Just like animals, we then enter a state of readiness. This costs a lot of energy. When we are in this state for a long time, we run out of energy. If we do not recover sufficiently, we then overuse our body. Complaints can arise such as fatigue, a listless feeling, loss of attention and concentration, memory problems, sleep problems, pain in the neck and shoulders, being easily irritated and a busy or chaotic head. The further we get in this process of overuse, the more difficult it is to relax. This creates a downward spiral: there is already too little energy and due to an inability to relax, even less energy returns to the body. During the biofeedback measurement at Sens beweeg je in Eindhoven, you will learn what you need to do to replenish your energy reserves and recover better. A biofeedback measurement maps whether the body can relax and recover sufficiently. If this is not the case, you will learn through biofeedback treatment to gain better control over stress reactions and to relax effectively. At Sens biofeedback-measurement-eindhoven, we work with the CSR (Chronic Stress Reversal), in which interventions such as breathing training, relaxation training, fitness building, healthy lifestyle, time management, personal effectiveness and relapse prevention are offered on a customized basis.